Thursday, April 16, 2009


keith Rolleston said...

Stunning images !

Anonymous said...

Hello Susan,
is the pdn system the one you would "recommend" ? I would like to standardise as much as possible on one system (no sense in re-inventing the wheel after all)and from your images it looks very good.Some of the work I have seen on other sites has been very dark in tonality and I am looking for images more akin to your own. Thanks again, Keith

dshaff001 said...

This is some incredible stuff

Armando said...

Lovely images! A couple of suggestions and some questions...
First, the un-eveness of tones might be the result of newton rings forming between the glass and the pictorico. The solution is to use a substance called "Oxydry" which is a very fine powdered starch compound that is used by professional printers on their presses. I use a plastic bottle with a pointed tube. I shake the bottle and blow some of the dust onto the top of the pictorico before you put the glass on top. The tiniest amount is all that is required-you should hardly even be able to see it. that is enough to separate the two surfaces preventing newton rings and yet remain close enough for sharp images.
Questions: what solar plate do you use and what kind of aquatint screen do you use (if any)?
I have been printing gravures using the traditional Talbot/Klic process of aquatinting copper plates with rosin but I want to try the solar plate process, especially after seeing your beautiful images. Please contact me if you have further questions or comments: