Wednesday, April 11, 2007

new radishes print

click image for closeup

Here's the latest version of the radishes etching. The size is 8 x 8". It's from a slightly different image than the first one (shown at bottom of this page), and it looks somewhat better online than it does in person. I'm still not quite ready to call it "done", but I have come a long way in learning how to do this. Thanks again to Jon, Keith and Christina. Also a big thank you to Mark Nelson and his Precision Digital Negative system, without which, this image wouldn't have nearly as many tones, hehehe.

For those unfamiliar with this process, the above image is an etching... ink on paper... printed with an intaglio etching press. The printing plate was made from a photograph. For more information, see the sidebar to the right.


Christopher Mark Perez said...

Wow! This is BRILLIANT!!!

I'll bet it looks even better in print (instead of on the web).

Nicely done. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation for your beautiful work and your very interresting blog!
Did you use a aquatint screen or not? If not, did you work with a bipmap image?

Susan Daly Voss said...

Thank you both for commenting.

Christophe, Yes I used an aquatint screen.


Anonymous said...

The description of an etching seems incorrect for a polymer photogravure. Does the term 'etching' not apply to a print that has been made by a matrix that was bitten by acid such as ferric chloride or nitric acid. I found it misleading to use etching, surely intaglio applies instead.

Zhané Warren - from Warren Editions